Post by ulrich9996 on Jul 12, 2010 12:40:04 GMT -5
bight blue (stupid key bored)
Post by Barghestmon on Jul 14, 2010 8:30:39 GMT -5
Beelzemon yawned out loud as he stalked through the forest, he was so very very tired and most of bored " Theres never much to do" he complained to himself " This place could do with getting a little more active" he exclaimed to himself, other then he knows that what he hoping for will become reality, he would then regret it. Unlike other Beelzemons -which there arent many-he had orange eyes , almost like honey instead of bright dark evil red. Beelzemon spotted someone, but what digimon was it? he asked himself
Post by ulrich9996 on Jul 17, 2010 17:29:14 GMT -5
bran looked at this strange looking thing with orange eyes, woundering 'what the heck is that?' "the earth has moved on, since last time I came, this thing has a complete digital format" bran said to him self" 'last like I checked some guy was inventing gray digital screens, and now they have full digital couloured things walking around earth, this is just to cool. I hope its intelegent' (humans have advanced a long way since 1930)
Post by ulrich9996 on Jul 17, 2010 17:30:57 GMT -5
Bran followed this digital format woundering if, it new he where following him.
Post by Barghestmon on Jul 24, 2010 12:33:19 GMT -5
Beelzemon shot a angry mild glance " you shoulnt call this world earth! your making it sounds pathetic!" he remarked.
Post by ulrich9996 on Aug 1, 2010 6:30:13 GMT -5
bran did not understand what beelzemon was saying "oh we..." he tough "as least he or she can speak an earthly laugage, and knows im following it" bran pasued for a secound "humans are much more intelegent, they can create things that may even out smart them" bran picked up the pace, so that he was along side beelzemon. he's waiting to see how beelzemon would react
Post by Barghestmon on Aug 2, 2010 7:20:46 GMT -5
Beelzemon blinked " Now your calling me dumb?" he said angrily , but not to irrated really. He guessed that bran isn't really human, but what kinda of creature could it be? he wondered. How weird
Post by ulrich9996 on Aug 2, 2010 7:42:18 GMT -5
bran gave beelzemon a big tap on the back, and drained a very small amount of data, just enough for beelzmon to feel.
Post by Barghestmon on Aug 2, 2010 7:49:53 GMT -5
Beelzemon wacked bran away " What the hell?!!" he had felt data being sorbed from him, the beelzemon pulled out one of his guns and aimed it at brans head, though not intending to shoot him
Post by ulrich9996 on Aug 2, 2010 8:08:25 GMT -5
bran was not alarmed by the gun, his eyes turned to data in an unknown lanuage, as he analised the data. "fairly advanced for earth.... but still basic" bran said to him slef. ( coz bran took a bit of data from beezemon, he learnt a bit about digimon, beelzemon also learnt something about bran, beelzmon saw destruction, boming and pain..., she also learnt that bran was created by the neva kind....) bran taped beelzmon again... this time she learnt that the neva rase is extinced and bran is one of the data rase (population 700 billion) total number.... very intelegent data rase's... (1200) number of fully working data race's (2, including bran) (I dident tell you much about bran did I XDD)
Post by Barghestmon on Aug 2, 2010 8:11:46 GMT -5
Beelzemon ( HE IS A MALE!!!!) blinked , and rubbed his eyes " this isnt earth kid!" he exclaimed
Post by ulrich9996 on Aug 2, 2010 8:27:33 GMT -5
(well du.. the Name: bran. sort of gives it away) "umm" bran once again said to him self "you diddent freakout or depixelise" bran said to beelzemon "even know advanced data just ran tough your body" 'how do you say'...."sweet, and it took you this long to realise Im an advanced data protacal, full of multitasking multiagents class 1" 'Id say earth tech is class 5 at the most' "anyway.... I fancy going to the digital world..... its quite simple to open a two way portal, and that way, I can simply down load all the info I need" 'im glad my memorys banks expand given time' "but I better make my self a spector image (hologram) so none of the digimon try to harm me, not like they could.... just a precatuion, theres no hydroglifics repair shop for billions of light years" " I mighrt even upgrade part of the digital world, this place Is only a basic spector energy gram... apart from a small part of it, that I can't describe" *opens portal* "you can follow if you like"
Post by Barghestmon on Aug 2, 2010 9:28:09 GMT -5
Beelzemon sighed " We are in the digital world dipstick " he exclaimed " and also , i didnt get that thing that went through my head, and im also . . . used to it " he paused a momment.
Post by ulrich9996 on Aug 2, 2010 12:14:55 GMT -5
"look" bran explained "if you want to go back to earth, even know technicaly the digital words hardrive is on earth, Ill let you go back any time you like, but I take it you've been here befor so you can help me learn.... and show me somthing about it, then I'll let you go back" bran paused for a moment 'wow! because where in a digital world I can hear 1000's of digital mosters talking in my head..... quite hard to control, until I adapt.... give it 10 minutes' bran looked at beelzemon "just tell me a thing or to about this place and I'll open the two way portal again" bran starts to depixlise 'great....' "ho dont worry... my mainframe just needs to adapt to this place. Im not a digimon or anything from earth, so the digital world is trying to reject me, any way... tell me a little about this place.... digimon... ranks... the way the digital world works" 'she should know'
Post by Barghestmon on Aug 2, 2010 12:44:11 GMT -5
beelzemon eye tiwtched " I dont want to go to the stupid world of a dung! " he retorted angrily, he knew this guy was smart but yet very dumb indeed